Beauty Legs Tips

Even excellent tools can be mis-used. Here are seven sins of medical testing:

1. Ordering the wrong test for the right condition.

If I had a nickel for every time a doctor ordered a carotid artery test in a patient with a fainting spell, I could fund my retirement several times over. And this is despite the fact that problems with the carotid arteries (the pulsating blood-vessels in the front of the neck) are incapable of generating fainting spells! Narrowed or blocked carotid arteries are capable of generating many other symptoms -- including paralysis on one side of the body or loss of speech -- but not unconsciousness. Yet this test is frequently ordered in a knee-jerk fashion for people with fainting spells. Moreover, when the artery is found to be narrowed, it sometimes triggers a needless and risky operation on the affected artery. All because of a test that shouldn't have been ordered in the first place!

2. Treating the test instead of the patient.

There are situations in which a tool gets confused with a goal. One example of this is in the treatment of people with epileptic seizures. Most people with seizures do well with the help of seizure-suppressing medications. The amount, or level, of some of these medications can be measured in the bloodstream and there are circumstances in which it is useful to do so. A drug level can be a useful tool. But it's only a tool, and nothing more.

The goals of seizure treatment are simple -- no seizures and no side-effects. What could be more straightforward? However, some physicians appear to believe that the goal of treatment is to produce a certain drug level on a lab report. When this occurs, trouble can ensue. For example, a patient might be doing great on a certain dose of a medication that stops his or her seizures without causing side effects. (How can one improve on that?) But then a doctor, ordering a drug level because it seems like the right thing to do, feels compelled by the number appearing on the lab slip to lower the dose of medication. When this occurs, a seizure sometimes results. This is a seizure that didn't need to happen.

3. Using a test as a substitute for interacting with the patient.

I have great respect for emergency physicians. Having done emergency work myself, I know it's not an easy job. Emergency physicians work in a fish bowl, subject to criticism and second-guessing for decisions made in crisis situations and under pressure of time. That said, one gains the impression that sometimes they order thousands of dollars worth of tests based on a 30-second interview and a cursory exam. Yet there are cases in which, if a few more questions had been asked of the patient or family, the diagnostic possibilities and choice of tests would have changed.

4. Ordering irrelevant tests.

There are certain tests -- like a chloride level in spinal fluid or blood-levels of some of the newer seizure-preventing drugs -- that are not known to be useful for anything. But they get ordered anyway.

5. Forgetting that tests are imperfect.

All tests -- from high-tech scans to lowly blood measurements -- have false-positives (overcalls) and false-negatives (undercalls). But sometimes test-results are handled as if they're perfect and never wrong. As an example, sometimes patients have attacks for which the descriptions are compelling for a diagnosis of seizures, but then have normal electroencephalograms (brain-wave tests). Electoencephalograms can be very helpful, but it's possible for a patient who really does have seizures to have a normal tracing. Yet it's not unusual to encounter cases where patients' normal brain-wave tests kept them from receiving the treatments they needed.

6. Forgetting that there aren't tests for every medical condition.

When patients report hard-to-diagnose symptoms to their doctors, medical tests are often ordered. Sometimes all the test-results are normal. Does this mean there is nothing wrong with the patient? Not necessarily. There are many conditions -- like migraine, Parkinson's disease, fibromyalgia and restless legs syndrome -- for which conventional tests show no abnormality. We just don't have tests for everything. So it can happen that the tests are normal, but the patient isn't.

7. Failing to order tests that could affect treatment.

One axiom of medical management is that a test should only be done if its different outcomes would lead to different plans of action. If the plan of action is the same no matter how the test turns out, then why do the test? There's a flip side to this axiom. If a test's different outcomes would indeed lead to different plans of action, then the test really should be done, or at least be strongly considered. So, when it comes to ordering a test, there can be sins of omission as well as sins of commission.

It is tragic when a patient develops progressive memory loss and confusion. But it's even more tragic when it is assumed that the cause is Alzheimer's disease (for which there is no good treatment) when it's really due to something else for which good treatment is available. A risk-free head scan and a small assortment of blood tests can check for a number of curable conditions, but sometimes these tests are omitted.

(C) 2006 by Gary Cordingley

Gary Cordingley, MD, PhD, is a clinical neurologist, teacher and researcher who works in Athens, Ohio. For more health-related articles see his websites at: and

Restless Legs.

Typical symptoms include an unpleasant, creepy crawley itching or tugging sensations in your legs with an irresistable urge to keep moving them around. It tends to get worse in the evening and movement is the only thing that brings relief.

Restless leg syndrome often runs in families and is more common in over 65s and pregnant women, although the condition usually disappears after giving birth. There is no known cause in most cases although it is sometimes linked to an iron deficiency. Other possible culprits are low levels of calcium and magnesium and poor circulation.

Self help measures to try are:

  • Try taking a mineral supplement containing calcium, magnesium and potassium and zinc.
  • Limit tea and coffee. Have a cup of herbal tea instead.
  • If your legs want to move, indulge them. Get out of bed and take a quick stroll around the house.
  • Even though sleep experts advise giving exercise a miss immediately before bed, gentle exercise such as stretching just before bed can be helpful.
  • Have a warm bath with a cup of Epsom salts in it.
  • Put 30 drops of Valerian tincture in some water and drink - this helps relax the muscles.
  • Massage your legs with some almond oil containing a few drops of Roman Chamomile essential oil.

If you just can't sleep after all that, I suppose you'll just have to put on your dancing shoes and go dancing!

Nimsy is the webmaster for Sleep Tips which is about all matters to do with sleep and curing insomnia and sleeplessness with natural remedies.

Permanent Hair Removal with Lasers? Can You Really Kiss the Razor Bye Bye?

Permanent hair removal via new laser technology is quickly becoming the method of choice for thousands of women to permanently banish those long leg and underarm shaving sessions, and to leave them soft and smooth without wasting precious minutes every day. So, what is the cost of laser hair removal, and what does the process entail? Well, I will tell you?

First of all, not everyone is eligible for laser hair removal, so you should definitely consult with a specialist or specialist organization before you even consider this route for permanent hair removal.

While laser hair removal is much less expensive than the (somewhat painful) method of removing hair called electrolysis, some individuals may only be eligible for electrolysis due to physical and hair characteristics which make laser hair removal very difficult or impossible.

First of all, any person who is exceptionally dark in skin pigmentation would not be a good candidate for this procedure, and may want to look into alternatives to lasers to remove unwanted body or facial hair. Additionally, people with tanned skin and light hair, or people with generally very light hair would not be good candidates.

Cost of Laser Hair Removal?

The cost can vary considerably, depending on whether you choose to do a large area of your body, like your legs (which will cost considerably more), or just a small area, like facial hair above the lip and so on. Generally each session costs roughly $500 for smaller or medium size areas, and depending on the surface area covered will cost more per session, and require return sessions to get all of the hair removed.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Well, I?ve got good and bad news here. You will require return treatments to keep the hair gone, and to get all of it, and contrary to what most people believe, you will not be able to hang up the razor forever, because you will still have a few stray hairs here and there. Trust me, it would be nearly impossible to get every single hair, maybe some day, but this technology has not come this far yet today. I will say this, you will be considerably smoother and have to worry about shaving way less though, so it?s still worth it.

And get this, while they know that laser hair removal makes your hair fall out, they still are not exactly sure why. In other words, there is conjecture that the laser action and heat below the surface of the skin breaks the hair follicle apart and destroys that hair permanently, but they don?t have 100% conclusive evidence of that theory yet. What happens after a laser treatment is that over the course of the next few weeks or months after treatment, the hair on the treated area just falls out. For whatever reason, laser hair removal tends to work best for people with a fair complexion and darker hair.

Interesting huh? So, if you were considering having your hair removed by a laser professionally, whether it be for your legs, or facial hairs or any other unwanted bodily hair, hopefully now you can go into it a little more educated!

Visit Laser Hair Removal Finder for more information where to find laser hair removal in your specific area, and what to expect. Danna Schneider is also the founder of Herbal Therapeutics Herbal Remedies and Supplements: Hair Removal Product.

Dancing is such a fun activity that we can forget that it is a sport. Carried away by the music, you are unlikely to think about the muscles, tendons and ligaments that are enabling you to dance. New and experienced dancers alike need to be attuned to their bodies and the mechanics of dance so that they are not sidelined with an injury. To keep you on your toes there are a few tips and techniques that you should work into your dance routine.

Before we look at ways to avoid injury, it is important to understand what injuries occur and the risk factors that increase your chances of injury. The most common sites of dance injury are the feet, ankles, and lower back. Typical injuries include:

?Sprains and Strains ? overstretched or twisted muscles
?Stress Fractures ? tiny breaks in feet and ankle bones
?Tendonitis ? painful inflammation of a tendon. Tendons anchor muscle to bone.
?Blisters / toenail injuries? both result from ill fitting shoes
?Impact injuries ? bruises caused by falling, tripping or bumping

Here are risk factors which can increase your chances of injury:

?Hazardous equipment ? shoes that are not properly fitted; carpet that is ripped or worn; uneven hardwood floors; spilled liquids
?Poor posture ? weak back and core muscles put your whole body at risk of injury
?Lack of experience /Poor technique ? moves that are executed improperly can cause injury. Take a class to learn the proper technique and pay attention!
?Poor fitness level ? dancing is a great and fun way to get in shape but if you are not in shape, weak muscles are more prone to injury. Take it slow, as you progress your fitness and muscle strength will improve.
?Fatigue ? you are more likely to lose form or get sloppy when you?re tired.
?Overtraining ? overuse injuries are common in many sports. Dancing for too long or too often can cause shin splints, stress fractures and other injuries.
?Rushing recovery ? it is important to allow an injury to completely heal; otherwise you can aggravate or worsen the condition.

Before you begin to dance you must warm up your muscles. Ideally you want to work through the full range of motion that will be required for your type of dance. Do not stretch before warming up. You may make the mistake of believing that if your muscles are ready for dancing simply because you?ve been engaging them in your normal activities all day, but this is an incorrect assumption that can lead to injury.

You should never stretch a cold muscle. Have you ever noticed how much farther you can go into a stretch following exercise? As you warm up, your connective tissue becomes more elastic and easier to stretch. Blood flow to the muscles and the exchange of oxygen is also increased as your body warms.

Your warm-up should be no less than 10-15 minutes and should elevate your body temperature without making you fatigued. You could march in place, pumping your arms. You can then continue to march while alternating arms in the air. If you are taking a class, your instructor will lead you through a proper warm up. It is optimal to begin dancing within 15 minutes of your warm-up. You will lose the benefits of a warm-up after about 45 minutes of rest.

Following dancing, you should also spend 10-15 minutes cooling down. You can dance at a slower pace and with fewer strenuous movements to cool down. The idea is to gradually return your heart rate to the resting range. Cooling down will also help to prevent muscle spasms. You can do flexibility stretches during the cool down. You should also plan to stretch at other times of the day to increase your flexibility.

The general rule of thumb in sports is to increase your training no more than 10% per week. Progressing too quickly can lead to an overtraining injury. This is why ?weekend warriors? are often prone to injuries. You must allow your body to adapt to a new level of exercise.

The right equipment is essential to keep you dancing. Athletic shoes such as sneakers may be very comfortable but they are not made for dancing. Leather soled street shoes are good for social dancing. The floors at private clubs and halls are often dirty or heavily waxed and you will find that dedicated dancing shoes will not make a material difference.

Rubber soled shoes that grip the floor will lead to injury. Women should wear strapped shoes with a short heel; sling-backs, slip-ons, or high narrow heels are invitations for serious ankle injury. Shoes that are not fitted correctly will lead to blisters, bruised toenails, and can even cause knee injuries.

If you become a frequent habitu? of dancing venues, though, you might want to consider purchasing special shoes. These shoes are lighter than street shoes, with soles that allow you to ?feel? the floor. Dancing or practice shoes are best as they allow freedom of movement and are designed to support you as move across the floor, spin and turn. You should also buy your dancing shoes a half size larger than your street shoes to allow your toes to move.

One overlooked technique for caring for your dancing legs is the floor! You assume that with the proper shoes, technique, and music you can dance anywhere. Not all floors are made for dancing. As your feet hit the floor, your body is sustaining the impact, and a good floor will absorb some of that impact. For example, tile or concrete floors may allow you to whirl around like a professional ballet dancer, but there is no ?give? to the floor and this could injure your feet, ankles, and knees. A good dancing surface is free of defects, smooth (but not waxy), even, consistent and is not inflexible. Wood surfaces are more ?giving? than concrete floors.

Be aware of your body and its limitations. Choose a style of dance that compliments what you are able to do. Take time to properly condition your body for dance and buy the right equipment. Proper technique, attention to your body?s needs, good shoes and a great floor will keep you dancing for many years to come.

This article was contributed by Master Portable Floors. Master Portable Floors is the floor of choice by professional dancers. The floors have been rated highest quality by the American Swing Dancing Association and the Ball Room Dancing Association. Master Portable Floors has a unique flex action that provides a comfortable dancing surface that reduces hip and joint injuries. To learn more about Master Portable Floors visit

Experiencing difficulty in sleeping for any great length of time may well indicate that you suffer from a common sleep disorder.

Today more than 35 million Americans reportedly suffer from a chronic sleep disorder (sleeping difficulty that lasts for more than one month) and as many as 30 million more suffer from a shorter term or transient sleep disorder (sleeping difficulty that lasts for less than four weeks).

Commonly triggered by upcoming events (such as important meetings or interviews), jet lag, or a passing illness (like a cold or the flu), a mild sleep disorder presents relatively little difficulty in terms of its management and, if left to its own devices, will often pass quite quickly. This said, many simple steps can be taken to both reduce the effects of mild insomnia and to speed its passing.

A persistent sleep disorder however will rarely disappear of its own accord and may well require pro-active treatment. Prolonged sleep disorders include conditions such as chronic insomnia, restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea and narcolepsy.

Difficulty in getting to sleep, staying asleep, waking through the night (and being unable to get back to sleep), or waking too early in the morning, when experienced for any length of time (and certainly for more than four or five weeks), warrants a diagnosis. You should also begin exploring natural sleep remedies that can help you get a better night's sleep, not to mention assisting you in effectively managing your problem.

The most commonly diagnosed sleep disorder, insomnia, also represents one of the easiest problems to treat. Simple lifestyle adjustments, structured relaxation or meditation, or a variety of herbal and natural sleep remedies will often provide a cure.

Like insomnia, sleep apnea is another sleep disorder that affects millions of Americans each year. The most dangerous of all sleep disorders, sleep apnea occurs when air flow through the windpipe is temporarily obstructed during sleep, often due to the relaxation or collapse of surrounding muscles. Sleep apnea is most commonly associated with snoring, although snoring alone is not necessarily indicative of sleep apnea.

Narcolepsy, a sleep disorder marked by uncontrolled mini sleeps during the day (even when the sufferer otherwise appears completely alert), is sometimes confused with sleep apnea; however, these represent two very different conditions.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS), another sleep disorder that ranks as one of the most frequently diagnosed, affects more than twelve million people in the US alone each year. Unlike other common sleep disorders, restless legs syndrome combines the physical symptoms of a sleep disorder like insomnia with neural symptoms such as periodically uncontrolled limb movement and a tingling sensation in the legs and feet.

While a serious sleep disorder such as obstructive sleep apnea, chronic narcolepsy or restless legs syndrome requires the intervention of a medical professional, there are still various ways in which you can actively manage your sleep disorder. In fact, numerous natural sleep remedies can help you get a better night's sleep and effectively deal with your sleep disorder, without resorting to sleeping pills or artificial sleep enhancers.

These sleep remedies are too numerous to discuss them in any detail in this short article, but they include melatonin and valerian root, two natural alternatives to sleeping pills, as well as aromatherapy, color or chromatherapy and guided relaxation and meditation. Chamomile or lavender teas and infusions are also an excellent natural remedy for managing various sleep disorders.

While some persistent sleep disorders do certainly merit investigation by your doctor, chronic insomnia can, more often than not, be cured without the need for medical intervention. Understanding the underlying causes of your insomnia and then making a number of simple changes to your lifestyle or routine can make a dramatic difference to the quality of your sleep. With the added help of one or two natural sleep remedies, you can then soon say farewell to this particular sleep disorder.

Copyright ? 2005 Donald Saunders

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Donald Saunders is the author of a number of health related publications including:
Help Me To Sleep - A Guide To Natural Sleep Remedies, Jet Lag - An Alternative Approach, Shift Work Insomnia and The Art of Meditation - A Guide To Meditation, Breathing and Relaxation Techniques
For further details please visit

Are you one of the millions of people in the world suffering from bad blood circulation? With out even knowing it, you might be! You might not necessarily have a lot of symptoms if you are suffering with bad circulation (Peripheral Vascular Disease or PVD.) but you should be aware that it can be treated.

It can also be a signal your body is sending, letting you know something more serious is going on. Like clogged arteries or blood clots. For me the symptoms started very slowly and were minor. I just took it as part of my body falling asleep or that I had slept wrong on my arms or my legs. You don?t have to be old to have bad circulation. For me it started in my teens. I was what most people considered over active in sports. Practicing soccer, handball and speed skating about 6 hours a day 7 days a week put a great strain on my body.

After getting injured I was forced to quit all sports which did not go over to well with my body. Veins blew out all over my legs and I noticed that my feet kept going numb quite often. I figured they just went to ?sleep? because I was not used to being still so much. Over the years the numbness spread from my feet up my legs. Still I kept ignoring it. Four children later the numbness had spread to my hands and I could no longer ignore it. This was when my husband came across a book online called ?Beat Bad Circulation.? After him being on me for a long time to read the book I had to. Believe it or not it has helped me a lot.

This book explains bad circulation and things that can help you beat bad circulation. My hands no longer go numb and my legs and feet are better than they have been in years.

?Beat Bad Circulation? might not be the solution for everybody but if you are suffering from bad blood circulation it is worth reading and it just might help you to. Like I said the name of the book is ?Beat Bad Circulation.? Maybe its all you need to get that blood flowing again and feel well again.

Here are a few statistics on bad circulation:

? The body of an adult contains over 60,000 miles of blood vessels!

? An adult's heart pumps nearly 4000 gallons of blood each day!

? Your heart beats some 30 million times a year!

? The average three-year-old has two pints of blood in their body; the average adult at least five times more!

It is must have book for every family.

Hege Crowton is establishing her self as an expert copywriter. She is known for doing in-depth research before writing her articles. Many of her articles are posted on and she also does a lot of writing for . She also strongly recommends that you visit: Since joining this program her business has exploded.

Copyright 2005

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) or Ekbom?s syndrome is a misunderstood common condition which causes the legs and sometimes the arms to twitch just before going to sleep; this can cause problems with insomnia. Around one in twenty people suffer from restless legs syndrome (RLS) during their life, it tends to affect women more than men especially pregnant women and middle aged women, other groups that tend to suffer from restless legs syndrome (RLS) are those suffering from kidney disease, nerve diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and varicose veins.

Typical symptoms of restless legs syndrome (RLS) are a creeping sensation beneath the skin in the affected limbs, this sensation can be accompanied by pins and needles, twitching, a burning sensation, aching, tingling or pain and an urge to more the legs. These symptoms tend to affect the calf area of the leg but can also affect the arms. The symptoms tend to occur when in periods of rest, sleep and tiredness, typically before going to sleep. The exact cause of restless legs syndrome (RLS) is unknown but it has been linked to nerve irritation when fatigued, stressed or anxious. It has also been linked with smoking, diabetes, pregnancy, stroke, respiratory illness and kidney problems.

Dietary change can help with restless legs syndrome (RLS), cutting out sugar, refined flour, alcohol, caffeine and eating small but regular meals throughout the day especially a small snack before going to bed can help with restless legs syndrome (RLS). These meals need to include plenty of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, fish and nuts and seeds.

If you are a smoker and suffering from restless legs syndrome (RLS) then it will help if you quit smoking.

Good supplements to take are iron, folic acid, co-enzyme Q10, extracts of ginko biloba and garlic tablets.

Acupuncture and magnet therapy are also worth trying to help with restless legs syndrome (RLS).

The following supplements may help if you are suffering from Restless legs syndrome (RLS).

Co-enzyme Q10

Extracts of ginko biloba

Folic acid

Garlic tablets


Vitamin E

Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh

Advice for a healthier natural life


Restless legs syndrome or shortly RLS, is a health condition in which legs feel very uncomfortable while sitting or lying down, especially at night. Usually it makes one feel like getting up and moving around. When doing so, the unpleasant feeling of restless legs syndrome might go away, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Restless leg syndrome affects both, men and women and can begin when you're young or as you get older. Restless legs syndrome can disrupt sleep thus leading to daytime drowsiness.

So, what causes restless leg syndrome?

Nobody actually knows the real cause for restless leg syndrome. Some research has been done and the researchers suspect it might be due to an imbalance of the brain chemical called dopamine. Dopamine sends messages to control muscle movement.

It has also been noticed that restless leg syndrome runs in families and that stress tends to make things even worse. If there is any changes in hormonal balance, that may worsen restless leg syndrome symptoms. Also, some women experience restless leg syndrome during their pregnancy and it disappears soon after the delivery.

However, restless leg syndrome is not related to some serious medical problems, but sometimes it accompanies other conditions and some of them are peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy damages the nerves in hands and feet and sometimes it is due to chronic diseases such as diabetes and alcoholism. Also, iron deficiency might cause restless leg syndrome, it might cause or worsen restless legs syndrome.

Researchers assume that kidney failure might be the cause too, at least to some degree. This is when the kidney does not function properly, iron stores in blood can decrease and cause some of the rls symptoms. All these and some other changes in body chemistry may cause or worsen restless leg syndrome.

Some other, known causes of restless leg syndrome include muscle overexertion, prolonged sitting, dehydration, decreased potassium levels, neuromuscular disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, certain medications, such as albuterol, niacin, diuretics, and some calcium channel blockers and antipsychotic medications, also alcohol use.

If you find this article helpful, but need more information, you are welcome to visit this very informative website, where you can find a lot of information about restless leg syndrome and help yourself with this annoying health condition. There are many different ways to combat restless leg syndrome and you can find some excellent information about restless leg syndrome, simply by visiting the website below.

Sam Jackson owns very informative weblog, where you can find lots of useful information about restless leg syndrome.

Many Americans are having difficulties falling asleep at night. Instead of sleeping and dreaming they roll around in their beds trying to fall asleep. The result usually is people not rested enough in the morning and tired all day. This results in stress and less performance on the job or at home. We have developed a list of 6 powerful tips that have helped us to achieve better sleep.

1) Room temperature: Keeping the temperature in your bedroom at 70 degrees Fahrenheit or below is recommended. Too often an overheated bedroom is causing sleep problems. Scientific studies show that the body can better relax with temperatures at 70 degrees or slightly below.

2) Reduce caffeine. A recent study showed that caffeine is not metabolized efficiently and fast enough at night. The effects of caffeine last much longer than most people expect. The result is difficulty falling asleep. Studies have shown better sleeping patterns if no more caffeine is consumed after 6.00 PM.

3) Avoid alcohol. Alcohol will keeps the body from reaching the deeper stages of sleep, where the body does most of its healing and resting. The result of drinking can be a very light sleep or difficulty falling asleep in general.

4) Beds are for sleeping. If you are used to watch TV in bed or even work while being in bed, you may find it much harder to relax and to fall asleep. Remove the TV and do not work in bed. Sleep requires your brain to slowly shutdown and any distraction will cause sleeping problems.

5) Go to bed at around the same time every day. Don't change your bedtime back and forth. Having a certain schedule developed it will be easier to fall asleep pretty much at the same time every day. A recurring schedule will help your body to get into a sleep pattern and make it easier to fall asleep.

6) Remove the alarm clock from your view. Starring at the time will only create the feeling that you have to sleep, but you are not. These worries will make things even worse. Losing the feeling for time by not seeing the actual and how long you have been awake has shown to improve healthy sleep.

About the Author

Christoph Puetz is a successful entrepreneur and international book author. Christoph lives in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. One of the websites he maintains can be found at Restless Legs.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is defined by the International Restless legs syndrome Study Group, which was established to create a medical diagnosis. The IRLS Study Group narrowed the symptoms to four essential criteria needed for clinical diagnosis.

These criteria are:
1. The urge to move the legs, usually accompanied or caused by uncomfortable and unpleasant sensations in the legs
2. Symptoms of restless legs syndrome are worse during rest or inactivity
3. Symptoms are partially or totally relieved by movement
4. Restless legs syndrome is worse at night.

These criteria are the most frequently reported symptoms that something isn?t ?right? within the person?s mind, body and/or spirit. However, since western medicine only treat symptoms the root cause for these symptoms are never addressed.

People who suffer from restless leg syndrome often have other psychiatric symptoms, including depression and anxiety. Other risk factors are heavy smoking, unemployment status, hypertension, gastroesophageal reflux disease, arthritis, and diabetes. Sleep apnea and insomnia appear to be other risk factors for restless leg syndrome, along with difficulty falling asleep (taking more than 30 minutes), driving while drowsy and excessive daytime fatigue. Subjects with self-reported restless leg syndrome also have a higher incidence of being late for work, missing work, making errors at work and missing social events because of fatigue more often than those without restless leg syndrome.

Requip manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline is the most frequently prescribed antidote. The precise mechanism of action of Requip as a treatment for Restless Legs Syndrome (also known as Ekbom Syndrome) is unknown. Although the pathophysiology of RLS is largely unknown, neuropharmacological evidence suggests primary dopaminergic system involvement. Positron emission tomographic (PET) studies suggest that a mild striatal presynaptic dopaminergic dysfunction may be involved in the pathogenesis of RLS.

In clinical trials for restless legs syndrome, the most common side effects of Requip were nausea, extreme drowsiness, vomiting, dizziness and fatigue. In December 2004, a European Union panel of experts initiated a probe of the drug after concerns surfaced about the product's effectiveness and long-term safety. Called Adartrel in Europe, the drug is sold in a few countries but has not yet received full European approval. Whether the drug, Requip has been approved seems irrelevant since the side effects seem worse than the problem. One is trading?the urge to move the legs, usually accompanied or caused by uncomfortable and unpleasant sensations in the legs with nausea, extreme drowsiness, vomiting, dizziness and fatigue.

THERE IS HOPE: In twenty-five years of working with those suffering with RLS, I have learned RLS can be readily healed with 100% long-term results and satisfaction with no side effects. While the western medical profession says there is NO known cause for RLS, there is a plausible explanation for the symptoms to occur and therein lies the clues to the healing process.

100% of the RLS sufferers I have worked with were also, verbal, physical and/or sexual trauma survivors. While this fact may not give reason to assume that other RLS sufferers are verbal, physical and/or sexual trauma survivors, it is a strong indication there is a high probability.

First let us look at the dynamic of verbal, physical or sexual trauma. There are several inherent factors that can not be underestimated in these acts of trauma. Behavior between adult and child is traditionally looked at from the perspective of the adult rather than the child. The adult reasons that because an adult does not experience adverse affects neither will a child. This reasoning is faulty to the nth degree. There are several reasons why an experience can be damaging to a child and not damaging to an adult.

First and foremost, the child generally has no frame of reference from which to reconcile the experience. Second, since the experience is usually orchestrated through an adult the child knows and loves, the child has no one to discuss their adverse experience, because the adult is unwilling to acknowledge the negative consequences of their behavior. Thus, the child suffers in silence?holding the blame, shame and humiliation of their reaction, which has been deemed by an adult as uniquely inappropriate, uncharacteristic for the circumstance and therefore unworthy of discussion.

The child?s only source of comfort and avenue to reconcile experiences is the family. Thus, when the family fails to meet the child?s emotional needs, it is an insidious betrayal so profound that a child?s sense of trust is compromised and the child works mightily to regain fully what is a birthright.

The next layer of betrayal is the ?age old? tradition of using hitting as a form of discipline. It is rationalized that hitting will ?teach the child a lesson? they will never forget. This reasoning is faulty, because spanking creates shock, whereby the mind is unable to focus or retain logic rather than enhance comprehension. Furthermore, hitting engenders rage rather than respect. Thus instead of creating learning and compliance the child has learned to distrust adults. In order to maintain the relationship, the child pushes the rage deep into the psyche; the accompanying response to body boundary violations is to act out in other ways that may include rebellion, violence, self-destructive behavior etc. In addition, hitting is a body boundary violation?the skin is the largest sensory organ and when it is compromised it causes untold damage.

Last, but not least, hitting is hypocrisy?I love you therefore, I hit you. Love and hurting can not coexist simultaneously. Thus, while hitting the child?the adult is not being loving?they are hurting the child. This is abundantly clear to the child, but has become a distorted concept as adults have been indoctrinated in the ?spare the rod, spoil the child? rhetoric.

During the act of verbal, physical or sexual traumatizing, the mind, body and spirit have experienced an assault. This assault is experienced vis-?-vis all five senses?touch, hearing, smell, taste and seeing. These sensory organs hold the experience until it can be reconciled. Unfortunately, since the child seldom has the opportunity to reconcile the experience and have a meeting of understanding between adult and him/herself, the experience stays trapped in the system. Thus, for example: the traumatizing spanking on the buttocks stays trapped in the buttocks and legs. Or because a child who is being verbally assaulted has a flight or fight reaction, but can neither, fight or flee, the energy is trapped in the legs, which is the first line of defense for fighting or fleeing. Since the child can do neither the energy is stored and never released. Thus, years later when one?s faces a similar emotionally charged experience the old experience resurfaces as RLS. This phenomenon is commonly called trapped energy.

These childhood experiences can be healed through a seven-step multifacted process. Talk therapy is inadequate to uncover the emotional pain, and heal the trauma trapped in muscles and tissue. To fully appreciate the depth of this pain, I will quote one of my clients, Even my blood hurts. A multifaceted healing process specifically focused on trauma recovery and diligent work is the most effective; wherein the survivor can replenish their emotional and spiritual identity and empowerment.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD specializes in: Emotional healing and Physical/Sexual Trauma Recovery. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.

Well, with the success of my article, Wrinkle Remover That WORKS!!, I realize that there is a really strong interest in getting information that is going to do something for you, rather than generalities that come under the same old thing category. And, as you know if you read the article, we found a great and effective cream that does a knockout job of actually reducing wrinkles.

Funny thing is that the product started out as a solution to a completely different problem (and they tell you all about that on the web link I mentioned in the article), which is kind of like the situation of the equestrian horse product, a coat conditioner, that was flying off the shelves and it took an incredulous tack shop owner's question to uncover the mystery. I mean they were selling more of this stuff than any over fastidious horse community could possibly use, they would have had to be conditioning their horses coats every day or even twice a day to use that much.

So what was the answer? Well the story goes, ladies were using it themselves as it gave a great result, smooth and soft hair (and there was a suggestion that guys were using it too, to encourage hair re-growth). Anyway that story is from a few years ago and now the company actually sells the same product in a small, human size bottle for about the same price as you can buy it in the tack shop in the horse size bottle. The name is Mane n' Tail and I use it when getting ready for a horse show as it really does get the tangles out of that tail.

Now I seem to have got a little sidetracked here because I started out with the intention of writing about slimming the legs, and certainly having your legs toned, lithe and athletic makes you feel great, and here is my best advice on how to get your legs to be slimmer, with that better muscle tone and looking sensational: get in the pool!

OK I guess you need a little more info than that, so here we go. Number one let's find a schedule for going to the pool that is going to induce you to continue, because you may be motivated to give this a try but then, on being confronted at your pool by a wall of screaming kids jumping all over the place, you may as quickly be discouraged and resolve to give the whole thing up as another one of those facile, here's how to do it nonsenses written by folks who never actually do the stuff they are telling you to do. Well relax, I've been there, and I know that it's pretty important to make the doing as comfortable as possible if we have any expectation of making it into a routine. So we find out when is the best pool time for us, and I always go for the quietest group (I suppose that's no rocket science suggestion), anyway having got that part organized all we need to do now is the actual swimming.

Now the point of this article is to focus on slimming and toning the legs so obviously we are going to work that area mostly, but first you need to loosen up the whole body a little, so just do some easy, relaxing laps and enjoy the feel of the water.

OK ready for the legs? We'll use a kick-board if you like, although I often don't as I feel it tenses the muscles across my shoulders and behind my neck, so I feather the water with my hands out in front and only lift my head to breathe. Certainly you will get more upper body support using the kick-board and, as far as the legs are concerned, they are going to get worked the same whichever method you use. So we want to start out by doing a few easy laps freestyle leg kick; and then when you start to feel any tightening or stiffness in the upper thigh, stop and stretch the muscles. Remember, swimming lengthens the muscles and we particularly want long, slim, elastic muscles, so stretch and loosen off the legs if you start to feel any tightening up.

So, we've loosened up, we've started on the leg work, now how much do we do and how hard? Well, as with almost all my work, I stress gradualization, you can't just jump in there and do one hundred laps flat out, you've got to build your fitness, your capacity and your endurance, so do what you can comfortably achieve and strive to increase gradually over time. Getting those legs slim and toned is no great secret, it's just getting in there and doing a terrific set of leg-kick, way easier on the joints than almost any other exercise and terrific for your overall body health, heart and lungs.

About The Author

Gordon Black is a world-ranked Master swimmer and Canadian national record holder. A member of the British swim team in the late '60s, after thirty years out of the pool, last year Gordon returned to competitive swimming in the Masters forum. He offers an online weight loss, fitness and motivational coaching service through his web site where his competitive comeback is chronicled. Gordon is currently working on a book based on his own weight management and fitness system - publisher's enquiries welcome!

So you?ve got some hair somewhere that you are just dying to get rid of. Maybe you?re sick of shaving it, or maybe you can?t even reach to shave it. Waxing doesn?t last very long, and most of the other products on the market are either are ineffective or outright scams.

Then there is the laser. Laser hair removal has been available now for over ten years. Significant technological advances have been made since the fist lasers hit the market. Today?s lasers are more effective and longer lasting, with several receiving clearance to be marketed for ?permanent hair reduction?. With all the lasers to choose from, is one laser better than the others, or does your choice of laser even matter?

Hair Removal Lasers: Choosing the Right Equipment

Does your choice of laser affect the ultimate outcome of your treatment? The short answers to these two questions are no and yes. Despite what anyone might tell you, no single laser has been clinically proven to be the best ? there simply have not been sufficient comparative trials to establish this. As a result, doctors and clinics tend to promote the virtues of whatever laser they purchased or leased. At $70,000 to $125,000 per machine, you can see why they have a vested interest in promoting their chosen equipment.

Yet while there is not yet a clear-cut winner of the ?best laser? designation, certain lasers do work better for people with certain skin types and hair colors. There are several guidelines that are important in helping you choose which laser is right for you.

Laser Safety and Dark Skin: Avoiding Side Effects

The first guideline is this: the longer the laser?s wavelength, the safer it is on darker skin and the fewer side effects. The reason for this is that longer wavelength laser energy tends to penetrate deeper into the skin. This is especially important in people with dark or tanned skin. Nd:YAG lasers have the longest wavelength of current hair removal lasers at 1064nm. Nd:YAG lasers include the CoolGlide, the Lyra, and the Athos. Diode Lasers, with the second longest wavelength of current hair removal lasers at 810nm, are also used to treat people with olive to dark complexions. Thus diode lasers are a viable alternative if you cannot find a doctor with an Nd:YAG laser in your area. Popular diode lasers include the LightSheer, LaserLight, and Apex 800.

Laser Speed and Hair Removal Cost: Cutting the Price of Treatment

The second guideline to keep in mind is this: the faster the laser?s repetition rate (the speed at which it ?fires?) and the larger its spot size (the size of skin treated with each laser shot) the faster the treatment. For areas such as the legs or back, it is wise to choose a laser that can cover a large area in short time. Alexandrite lasers like the GentleLase have the largest spots sizes available on the market at up to 18mm. The GentleLase is perhaps the fastest on the market at covering large areas. The Lightsheer diode is also quite fast and represents a good alternative if you have olive or brown skin. Generally, the faster the laser, the less your treatment will cost, so it pays to seek out a speedy laser when treating large areas.

Laser Hair Removal: Treatment of Fine Hairs

Finally, if the hair you want removed is fine or light in texture (as opposed to light in color), you might find that it is less responsive to laser treatment than is thicker or coarser hair. In this instance, Alexandrite lasers such as the GentleLase might be your best choice (unless you have dark skin). The GentleLase has been reported to be particularly effective on fine hairs. Nd:YAG lasers are the least effective on fine hairs, and diode lasers fall somewhere in-between.

Ultimately, you must decide upon a laser in consultation with an experienced doctor, for they are best able to determine your precise skin type. Since many laser hair removal offices and clinics offer free consultations and spot checks, it is usually wise to get the opinions of two or more doctors before choosing a laser and a treatment plan.

By doing your research and finding the right laser for you, you will help ensure that your laser hair removal experience will be a successful one (and you might even cut your costs at the same time).

Jess Miller is a consumer advocate and an editor of Laser Hair Removal Ratings, which includes reviews of Phoenix laser hair removal clinics and Philadelphia laser hair removal clinics.

As I was searching for more information on varicose veins? cure, I sat on the swivel chair in front of the PC in a relaxed but poised position: upright with my right leg over my left leg. What I thought of as a comfortable sitting position could have led me to get more of the unwanted varicose veins. The topmost DON?T in preventing and relieving varicose veins was: DON?T cross your legs when sitting. It was like touching a hot plate; I immediately uncrossed my legs and leaned forward to read more.

Other than not crossing the legs, here are some great preventive measures that you ought to know so as not to have those gory spider veins marring those pretty legs:

?Regular exercise helps in the continuous flow of the blood. It is understandable that time is quite a problem. Choose an exercise activity that is not so time consuming, like walking a good distance will be great.

?Watch your weight, a very heavy body gives burden to the legs that hold it upright.

?If your job requires standing for a long period of time, shift your weight from one foot to the other time and again. If it is possible, always sit on breaks and relax tired feet.

?Elastic stockings can best support legs.

?See to it that your clothes, even you underwear are comfortable and not too tight especially on the waist, groin and leg areas.

?High-fiber foods can help prevent constipation that could also contribute to varicose veins. Eat as much fiber-filled foods as possible.

?Salt can be a factor in swelling of the body. Reduce your salt intake.

?Find time to exercise your legs even when sitting. It can help in the circulation of blood. A simple leg stretching and feet and ankle rotation can relieve soreness and can revive those veins.

?Leg elevation at the end of the day is highly recommended. Prop your feet on a chair or on the wall at home when you watch TV or a few minutes before you go to sleep.

?Long travels constrict and numb your legs and feet. If you can, get up and move about in your vehicle (for travels on buses, trains and airplanes) or pull over every 30 minutes when traveling in a car to relax and stretch your legs.

?Choose an aisle seat or the one nearest an exit door when attending long conferences and meetings. This way, you can easily go out and stretch every fifteen to thirty minutes to avoid cramps.

Researchers show that women are not the only victims of varicose veins. In fact, recent studies show that a large percentage of men also get varicose veins. Varicose veins are brought about by a lot of things from being overweight to genetics to aging. Most factors that contribute to acquiring varicose veins are the work (especially if it includes long periods of standing up), pregnancy, stomach disorders such as constipation; and then there?s improper posture.

As always, the adage that prevention is better than cure is very true. Although major treatments and operations are not exactly needed in curing varicose veins, the pain could be uncomfortable, not to mention unsightly especially for a woman. There are dermatological ways to remove varicose veins but, if you can help it, prevent it from appearing on your body parts by doing the self-help tips that are stated above.

The writer, Ismael Tabije, is the editor of the book, ?The Man Who Grew Younger: Secrets to Natural Fitness and Beauty?. This book, which can be accessed at, has complete descriptions and illustrations showing unique but proven effective exercises for maintaining youth and total vitality. He also runs the related website,, a wide collection of health and fitness e-books written by world-renowned fitness experts and authors.

Restless legs syndrome, or RLS, is seen as both a neuromuscular disorder and a sleep disorder. Less frequently diagnosed than sleep disorders like narcolepsy, sleep apnea and insomnia, restless legs syndrome is nonetheless a significant and serious sleep problem.

Characterized by a tingling, crawling or prickling sensation in the legs and feet, restless legs syndrome sufferers experience an overwhelming desire to move their legs in order to find relief. Many sufferers also find that the symptoms seem to worsen in the late afternoon and evening, especially when sitting or lying down.

Restless legs syndrome can also include instances of periodic limb movement (PLM), a condition characterized by the sudden, involuntary movement or twitching of the legs and feet ? often to the extent that it disrupts sleep. It is the overwhelming desire to move the legs and the frequent presences of periodic limb movement that, in large part, earn restless legs syndrome its classification as a sleep disorder.

Chronic instances of restless legs syndrome make it virtually impossible for the sufferer to get to sleep, let alone stay asleep, thereby generating a related case of severe insomnia. If left untreated, the condition, and the resulting insomnia, can lead to severe physical and psychological health problems. In fact, restless legs syndrome is often associated with depression and irritability, as well as occupational, social and marital problems.

As with most common sleep disorders, diagnosing restless legs syndrome can take time and a proper diagnosis requires the attention of an experienced medical professional. Because some of the symptoms can be associated with other neuromuscular and sleep disorders, it is also important to undergo specialized sleep tests before a diagnosis is confirmed. These tests can include neurological evaluations, reflex tests and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as well as somnography (sleep pattern analysis).

Once the diagnosis has been established, the treatment and management of restless legs syndrome can include simple lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments and activities to promote a better night's sleep. Because the symptoms typically become more severe with fatigue or inactivity, maintaining a regular sleep schedule with a consistent bed time and waking time is extremely important. Likewise, regular exercise and limited caffeine and nicotine intake can also help limit the neurological stimulation that triggers restless legs symptoms.

Additional options for managing this condition, and other sleep disorders, include massage, yoga and guided meditation for relaxation (a good complement to regular exercise and planned activities for reducing the symptoms of restless legs syndrome) and the use of natural herbal remedies that can help train the body to adhere to a routine sleep cycle and induce a restful and restorative night's sleep.

Copyright ? 2005 Donald Saunders

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Donald Saunders is the author of a number of health related publications including: Help Me To Sleep - A Guide To Natural Sleep Remedies, Jet Lag - An Alternative Approach, Shift Work Insomnia and The Art of Meditation - A Guide To Meditation, Breathing and Relaxation Techniques
For further details please visit

The Front Squat:

As you may have already discovered, the squat is at the top of the heap (along with deadlifts) as one of the most effective overall exercises for stimulating body composition changes (muscle gain and fat loss). This is because exercises like squats and deadlifts use more muscle groups under a heavy load than almost any other weight bearing exercises known to man. Hence, these exercises stimulate the greatest hormonal responses (growth hormone, testosterone, etc.) of all exercises. In fact, university research studies have even proven that inclusion of squats into a training program increases upper body development, in addition to lower body development, even though upper body specific joint movements are not performed during the squat. Whether your goal is gaining muscle mass, losing body fat, building a strong and functional body, or improving athletic performance, the basic squat and deadlift (and their variations) are the ultimate solution. If you don?t believe me that squats and deadlifts are THE basis for a lean and powerful body, then go ahead and join all of the other overweight people pumping away mindlessly for hours on boring cardio equipment. You won?t find long boring cardio in any of my programs!

Squats can be done with any free weighted objects such as barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, sandbags, or even just body weight. Squats should only be done with free weights ? NEVER with a Smith machine or any other squat machines! Machines do not allow your body to follow natural, biomechanically-correct movement paths. You also perform less work because the machine stabilizes the weight for you. Therefore, you get weaker results!

The type of squat that people are most familiar with is the barbell back squat where the bar is resting on the trapezius muscles of the upper back. Many professional strength coaches believe that front squats (where the bar rests on the shoulders in front of the head) and overhead squats (where the bar is locked out in a snatch grip overhead throughout the squat) are more functional to athletic performance than back squats with less risk of lower back injury. I feel that a combination of all three (not necessarily during the same phase of your workouts) will yield the best results for overall muscular development, body fat loss, and athletic performance. Front squats are moderately more difficult than back squats, while overhead squats are considerably more difficult than either back squats or front squats. I?ll cover overhead squats in a future article. If you are only accustomed to performing back squats, it will take you a few sessions to become comfortable with front squats, so start out light. After a couple sessions of practice, you will start to feel the groove and be able to increase the poundage.

To perform front squats:

The front squat recruits the abdominals to a much higher degree for stability due to the more upright position compared with back squats. It is mostly a lower body exercise, but is great for functionally incorporating core strength and stability into the squatting movement. It can also be slightly difficult to learn how to properly rest the bar on your shoulders. There are two ways to rest the bar on the front of the shoulders. In the first method, you step under the bar and cross your forearms into an ?X? position while resting the bar on the dimple that is created by the shoulder muscle near the bone, keeping your elbows up high so that your upper arms are parallel to the ground. You then hold the bar in place by pressing the thumb side of your fists against the bar for support.

Alternatively, you can hold the bar by placing your palms face up and the bar resting on your fingers against your shoulders. For both methods, your elbows must stay up high to prevent the weight from falling. Your upper arms should stay parallel to the ground throughout the squat. Find out which bar support method is more comfortable for you. Then, initiate the squat from your hips by sitting back and down, keeping the weight on your heels as opposed to the balls of your feet. Squat down to a position where your thighs are approximately parallel to the ground, then press back up to the starting position. Keeping your weight more towards your heels is the key factor in squatting to protect your knees from injury and develop strong injury-resistant knee joints. Keep in mind ? squats done correctly actually strengthen the knees; squats done incorrectly can damage the knees.

Practice first with an un-weighted bar or a relatively light weight to learn the movement. Most people are surprised how hard this exercise works your abs once you learn the correct form. This is due to the more upright posture compared with back squats. To see photos of proper form on the front squat, visit

Visit to receive your own personalized metabolic rate calculator as well as 4 of my secret hard-body workout routines - all FREE.

Michael Geary is a nationally dual certified personal trainer (NCSF-CPT, AFAA-CPT), and author of The Truth about Six Pack Abs ?2004-2006.

I receive many letters from women who stay at their homes looking after children. They want to look good, become fit and ask me how to achieve this. Some years ago I had a day job that took almost all of my time and use every free or not free minute to make exercises. There are several exercises that can be done while you are cooking, ironing or watching TV. I call this workout ?Passive? because it involves only tightening up of some muscles.

The most problematic female spots are butt, hips and abs. How to tighten them up?
Imagine you are upright and ironing clothes. Start tightens up your butt, flex butt muscles, hold for 2-3 seconds and relax. Make 20 reps.

Hip exercise
Stay upright. Tighten up butt and legs, you must feel you lower body as a strong wall. Now lift left leg to the left side, return leg to the floor and lift right leg to the right side. Alternate legs and make 20 reps. You must feel tension in your left and right hips.

Abs exercise
In sitting position-for example while you are watching TV or sitting in front of the computer. Lift your knees up to the ceiling. You must feel tension in your lower ab muscles. If this exercise is difficult help yourself with hands ? grab the chair and push down hands and lift the knees up. Hands will take away some difficulty.

Another abs exercise is again from sitting position. Straight one of the legs and lift the foot to the ceiling. Again help yourself with hands. If you want to make exercise more difficult ? while lifting the foot bend the upper body to the legs. In this way you double influence your abs ? their lower and upper parts.

Exercise for love handles from sitting position. Bend the body to the left side, hold for a second and bend to the right side. Try to do this without helping yourself with hands.

There are many possibilities to stay fit, to stay at your home and without going to expensive gyms. The only thing you need is your wish to change your life.

Rumiana Ilieva is the Webmaster at and an avid amateur trainer. The site reviews weight loss workout routines and offers many free video workouts. To train on line visit

Restless legs syndrome is a common sleep disorder affecting about 1 in 10 adults. Characterized by an uncomfortable, and sometimes painful, itching or prickling in the legs and an uncontrollable desire to move the legs, restless legs syndrome is one of the most common causes of insomnia.

It is normally seen as a problem once you reach the age of about fifty and tends to get worse as you get older. It?s also the ?poor relation? of sleeping disorders and unlike insomnia, sleep apnea or narcolepsy, all of which are studied in medical school and reasonably well understood by doctors, restless legs syndrome is given relatively scant attention. One study even goes so far as to suggest that in as many as 3 out of 4 cases the condition goes undiagnosed, even when the patient presents with all the symptoms of the disorder.

This lack of focus on the problem, and general acceptance of it being a problem of the middle aged and elderly, perhaps hides the real extent of the problem and, in particular, masks the fact that restless legs syndrome may well play a major part in the lives of our children.

For many years now children have been complaining of symptoms at night which we have brushed off as simply growing pains. In addition, our children often appear unable to sit still for more than a couple of minutes and we simply put this down to normal childhood hyperactivity. The truth, however, is that a substantial number of our children are in fact suffering from restless legs syndrome.

The cause of restless legs syndrome remains something of a mystery although a good picture of the disorder is now beginning to appear and two elements of this picture should act as a wake up call to the medical profession.

The first element in the picture is that of a genetic basis for restless legs syndrome. It is now accepted that this condition runs in families with one study showing that as many of half of all cases show a family history. This is re-enforced by recent chromosome studies identifying a specific gene that is believed to play an important part in susceptibility to restless legs syndrome. Perhaps most significant of all however is a report published by the Mayo Clinic at the end of last year which showed that in a study of more than 500 children nearly three quarters of those with restless legs syndrome had a family history of the disorder.

The second element in the picture is that of an iron deficiency in sufferers. A number of studies by respected institutions, such as John Hopkins University, have shown that low levels of iron are common in cases of restless legs syndrome. It comes as no surprise therefore that more than eighty percent of the children in the Mayo Clinic study with restless legs syndrome also showed low iron levels.

So just what does all of this mean? Well, it?s simple. If your child is having trouble sleeping and complaining of discomfort at night, particularly in the legs, perhaps there is a little more to it that just growing pains. Similarly, if your child is constantly running around or jumping up and down then perhaps discomfort in the legs rather than hyperactivity is the cause.

Growing pains are normal in children, as are periods of excessive activity, and the odd night here and there is certainly nothing to worry about. But, if your child?s growing pains appear night after night then there?s a good possibility that these aren?t growing pains at all, but are the symptoms of restless legs syndrome.

Copyright 2005 Donald Saunders

Donald Saunders is the author of a number of health related publications including:

How To Get A Good Night's Sleep - Simple Solutions To Help You Rest
Pick up your free copy today and discover the natural cure for insomnia or visit our website to learn more about restless legs syndrome

Gorgeous legs are every woman's dream. Unfortunately the legs are susceptible to a variety of pesky conditions that affect their beauty and health. Cellulite, varicose and spider veins, dry, flaky skin and of course flabby muscles can affect the legs' appearance and your confidence.

So is there a solution to all these potentially devastating body image busters? Can you feel good about your legs and wear your skirt with pride? But of course.

The solution is really quite simple, yet sometimes so hard to achieve. And you know it just as well as I do. Proper, healthy diet and physical activity will give you great looking legs that you can feel good about. It will help you with the prevention of cellulite, varicose veins, spider veins and other ailments that negatively affect your legs' beauty.

But you to hate exercise, you say. That's ok, you don't have to be a marathon runner or spend every day at the gym. You don't even have to commit yourself to a specific exercise routine.

But what you have to do is commit to being physically active and have fun doing it, because if you don't enjoy an activity, then you're less likely to stick with it.

Think of things that you could have fun doing. Roller skating, skiing, biking, swimming, walking, jogging, playing tennis or just running around with your kids are all activities that not only can be fun, but also they are great for shaping and toning your leg muscles and weight control.

Once you decide which activities fit your life style, commit yourself to doing them at least three times a week for an hour at a time. Just remember to warm up and stretch before any activity and have fun!

What if you don't have time to get out three times a week? There are other options. If you work full time, you probably drive to the office and park as close to the building as you can. Choose to park few blocks away and take a brisk walk instead. Not only that will work your legs, but also it will energize you in the morning, better that a cup of coffee.

What about elevators? Do you find yourself taking one every day? Then stop. Start taking the stairs at least once a day. It is better that a stair climber. Just take your time and do it at your own pace.

So as you see physical activity is easier than it seems. The most important thing though, is to commit yourself to it and have fun doing it.

While you're getting physically fit don't forget about a healthy diet. It is just as important as exercise in getting great legs. It can be sometimes challenging to choose the right foods, but again if you commit yourself to healthy eating, it will be easier to make the right choices.

So what are the right and wrong choices?

Forget about junk food! And when I say junk food, I mean anything that has no nutritional value, like chips, fries, candy, cookies and pop. It's just as easy to grab a delicious fruit that you can enjoy and don't feel guilty afterwards.

Other food to avoid are:

  • fried and deep fried foods
  • sweets, sugar and artificial sweeteners
  • processed foods that contain large amounts of salt or preservatives
  • carbonated beverages
  • alcohol
  • salt and salty foods
  • foods that contain bad fats like trans fats and saturated fats

So is there anything you can eat? Don't fret. There is plenty of healthy, nutritious foods for your enjoyment.

The most important ones are fruit and vegetables. They are packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals, they are low in calories and contain no fat. Dietary experts recommend consuming 5 servings of fruits or vegetables a day. Because fruit is naturally high in sugar, you should limit yourself to 2 servings of fruit, but have as many veggies as you want.

Other foods that are healthy and not consumed enough by the North American population are:

  • foods high in omega-3 fatty acids
  • fish and seafood
  • lean protein

And let's not forget about water! Water flushes out excess sodium and toxins out of your body. It contains 0 calories and is an appetite suppressant. It hydrates our skin, improves muscle tone and helps with weight loss. It is recommended to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day.

So start today. Follow a healthy diet plan, along with a physically active lifestyle and you will be on your way to achieving great looking legs that you can be proud of.

For more information about diet, physical activity and other tips for achieving great looking legs, I recommend checking out

Shaving Legs

By Unknown

Shaving legs is by far the most popular method of hair removal for women. As much as we hate it, we do it on fairly regular basis. Some of us even every day.

But there is much more to shaving than just a razor, a little bit of soap and water. If you want to prevent the annoying cuts, razor rash and ingrown hair and get the closest shave possible, then I suggest you read the following tips and implement them into your daily shaving routine.

Ready? Let's go shaving legs!

Tip # 1

Invest a few dollars and get a good razor. The disposable ones are not designed to do as good of a job as the reusable ones. You will definitely get a closer shave and avoid nicks with the more expensive one.

Tip # 2

Don't forget to change your blades frequently. Using a dull razor will give you a razor rash, nicks and a chance for ingrown hair.

Tip # 3

Do not go shaving legs right after getting out of bed in the morning. Your skin is more puffy at that time of the day and your stubble is not as visible. You will get a closer shave if you wait about 30 minutes.

Tip # 4

If you shave your legs in a bath, you must know that your skin will shrivel in under 10 minutes which will make the stubble disappear somewhat. The solution? Shave your legs within the first 10 minutes in the tub.

Tip # 5

Exfoliate your legs with a body scrub or a loofah. That will get rid of dead skin cells that will otherwise clog up the razor. Plus it will give you soft and smooth skin.

Tip # 6

Do not apply your shaving lotion onto dry skin. Wet your legs for at least 2 minutes first. When your skin is hydrated, your hair will stand up and you'll get a closer shave.

Tip # 7

Once the shaving lotion is on your legs, allow it to sit there for a couple of minutes. That will hydrate your skin even more.

Tip # 8

Please do not use plain soap. I know we've all done it more than we care to admit. But the problem with soap is, that it will not only dry your skin out, but also the razor will not glide smoothly and it might give you a few cuts and a rash.

So there you have it. Your basic rules for shaving legs that will give you the closest shave possible and in the long run will save you some time, as you will not need to shave as often as you usually do.

For more information on your different hair removal options go to:

Summertime is near. And with the days getting longer and warmer, out come the shorts, mini-skirts, and bare legs.

Like most women, I?ve tried it all: shaving, waxing, depilatories? you name it. While I do love the benefits of waxing, waiting a couple of weeks during the summer for the hair to get long enough to wax is not my idea of a good time. And I?ve never had success with depilatories.

So what?s a girl to do? Fall back on our old friend: the razor.

While shaving is definitely the easiest, quickest, and least expensive hair-removal option, shaving still comes with its own problems: most notably nicks, cuts, and the dreaded ?razor burn.? But it doesn?t have to. There are some very simple (and economical!) things you can do to avoid the pit-falls of shaving.

Follow these five easy steps that will keep you and your razor friends?all the way through the long, lazy days of summer:

  • Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate. I can?t stress this enough. Exfoliation helps to smooth the skin by remove dead skin cells while softening the coarse hair on your legs. And that adds up to smoother, easier shaving.

    Grab your trusty scrub puff or a washcloth and a moisturizing body wash. You don?t need to scrub hard, as the puff or washcloth will do most of the work. (And while you?re at it, wash your whole body like this?your skin will glow!

  • Save the Shave ?Til the End. While it?s not quite like saving the best for last, waiting until the end of your shower will make shaving much easier. Ask any man. They usually wait until the end (or after) their shower to shave, giving their stubble time to soften. Not only is it easier to shave, but it allows for a much closer shave.

    The hair on your legs is coarse and needs time to soften in the hot water. Shaving at the beginning of your shower or bath, before the hair softens, will almost guarantee nicks, cuts and/or razor-burn. So to save yourself some pain?and get smoother legs?by saving the shaving until the end.

  • Use a New(er) Blade. This one may seem like a no-brainer, but so many women don?t change blades often enough. While I couldn?t find statistics from any of the razor companies as to how many shaves a you can get from one disposable blade, the women in my informal poll agree that a razor blade is usually only good for about 10 shaves. And that number can be even less if you have very heavy or very coarse hair.

    You know when it?s not sharp enough. It may feel dull or like it?s pulling at your skin. It may look old. Or you may realize that you can?t remember the last time you changed it. But the rule of thumb: it?s better to change too often than not often enough. A dull blade is more likely to cause nicks, cuts and razor-burn.

    So switch out that old blade with a new one. Just remember that a new blade is sharp?so always shave slowly and carefully!

  • Use Conditioner. If you only remember one tip from this article, remember this: conditioner is the best substance to use to shave with! Yes, I?m talking about hair conditioner. Conditioner provides a thin layer of protection on your skin, helps the blade glide smoothly, and further softens your hair.

    I keep a large bottle of inexpensive conditioner in my shower (I get the jumbo size from Costco, with a pump in it?which also makes it easier to dispense) that is dedicated for shaving. Use about the same amount that you do when putting lotion on your legs. Make sure you rinse your blade well after shaving. Try this tip once and you?ll never go back to soap or shaving cream again!

  • Moisturize While Wet. This is the final step to the pain-free shave. You can moisturize with one of the new in-shower lotions, the kind that you put on and then rinse off in the shower. Or, after turning off the water but before reaching for your towel, you can moisturize with body oil or baby oil.

    I keep a bottle of almond oil in the shower, and add my favorite aromatherapy oils to it. Not only will your skin retain more moisture this way, but you also won?t be rubbing lotion onto dry skin?a combination I have found almost guarantees razor burn.

  • Incorporate these simple tips into your shaving routine and you?ll be on your way to smooth and sexy legs, all summer long!

    Kimberly Sobie is a freelance writer, consultant, executive coach, and tax attorney. She lives in Seattle with her husband, son, and cat.

    It has been reported that app. 10 percent of American adults are being affected by restless leg syndrome. It is a health condition which causes you to move your legs while lying down, sleeping or even while sitting and just relaxing. If your legs won't let you sit still, you may very well be suffering from this restless leg syndrome.

    Restless leg syndrome symptoms pretty much interfere with your sleep too, and causing you to wake up tired in the morning, because your sleep gets interrupted all the time. Some people even experience these symptoms during the day, while just sitting down, watching a television, reading a book or at some other activities.

    We suggest you start doing some walking and/or jogging. Maybe stretching or taking a hot/cold bath could help too. Of course, massaging your legs may help relieve these symptoms too. Just start doing some regular exercise and see if that helps. Many find that exercise before bedtime helps. Also make sure to consult your healthcare provider, to be sure you are doing the right thing.

    Today, restless leg syndromes is a medical condition and needs to be treated that way. Doctors and scientists are doing their best to find a proper treatment for this unpleasant health condition.

    Do you find yourself having these?

    1. You find a compelling urge to move your legs, feeling an unpleasant sensations in your legs.

    2. You feel better when moving your legs a bit. You simply need to move them around to feel better?

    3. You feel these symptoms mostly in the evening or when you stop with your daily activities?

    If you find yourself experiencing these, you might want to visit our website below. There you can find a lot of information about restless leg syndrome and how treat it properly.

    Sam Jackson owns very informative website where you can find lots of useful information about restless leg syndrome.

    Well, with the success of my article, Wrinkle Remover That WORKS!!, I realize that there is a really strong interest in getting information that is going to do something for you, rather than generalities that come under the same old thing category. And, as you know if you read the article, we found a great and effective cream that does a knockout job of actually reducing wrinkles.

    Funny thing is that the product started out as a solution to a completely different problem (and they tell you all about that on the web link I mentioned in the article), which is kind of like the situation of the equestrian horse product, a coat conditioner, that was flying off the shelves and it took an incredulous tack shop owner's question to uncover the mystery. I mean they were selling more of this stuff than any over fastidious horse community could possibly use, they would have had to be conditioning their horses coats every day or even twice a day to use that much.

    So what was the answer? Well the story goes, ladies were using it themselves as it gave a great result, smooth and soft hair (and there was a suggestion that guys were using it too, to encourage hair re-growth). Anyway that story is from a few years ago and now the company actually sells the same product in a small, human size bottle for about the same price as you can buy it in the tack shop in the horse size bottle. The name is Mane n' Tail and I use it when getting ready for a horse show as it really does get the tangles out of that tail.

    Now I seem to have got a little sidetracked here because I started out with the intention of writing about slimming the legs, and certainly having your legs toned, lithe and athletic makes you feel great, and here is my best advice on how to get your legs to be slimmer, with that better muscle tone and looking sensational: get in the pool!

    OK I guess you need a little more info than that, so here we go. Number one let's find a schedule for going to the pool that is going to induce you to continue, because you may be motivated to give this a try but then, on being confronted at your pool by a wall of screaming kids jumping all over the place, you may as quickly be discouraged and resolve to give the whole thing up as another one of those facile, here's how to do it nonsenses written by folks who never actually do the stuff they are telling you to do. Well relax, I've been there, and I know that it's pretty important to make the doing as comfortable as possible if we have any expectation of making it into a routine. So we find out when is the best pool time for us, and I always go for the quietest group (I suppose that's no rocket science suggestion), anyway having got that part organized all we need to do now is the actual swimming.

    Now the point of this article is to focus on slimming and toning the legs so obviously we are going to work that area mostly, but first you need to loosen up the whole body a little, so just do some easy, relaxing laps and enjoy the feel of the water.

    OK ready for the legs? We'll use a kick-board if you like, although I often don't as I feel it tenses the muscles across my shoulders and behind my neck, so I feather the water with my hands out in front and only lift my head to breathe. Certainly you will get more upper body support using the kick-board and, as far as the legs are concerned, they are going to get worked the same whichever method you use. So we want to start out by doing a few easy laps freestyle leg kick; and then when you start to feel any tightening or stiffness in the upper thigh, stop and stretch the muscles. Remember, swimming lengthens the muscles and we particularly want long, slim, elastic muscles, so stretch and loosen off the legs if you start to feel any tightening up.

    So, we've loosened up, we've started on the leg work, now how much do we do and how hard? Well, as with almost all my work, I stress gradualization, you can't just jump in there and do one hundred laps flat out, you've got to build your fitness, your capacity and your endurance, so do what you can comfortably achieve and strive to increase gradually over time. Getting those legs slim and toned is no great secret, it's just getting in there and doing a terrific set of leg-kick, way easier on the joints than almost any other exercise and terrific for your overall body health, heart and lungs.

    About The Author

    Gordon Black is a world-ranked Master swimmer and Canadian national record holder. A member of the British swim team in the late '60s, after thirty years out of the pool, last year Gordon returned to competitive swimming in the Masters forum. He offers an online weight loss, fitness and motivational coaching service through his web site where his competitive comeback is chronicled. Gordon is currently working on a book based on his own weight management and fitness system - publisher's enquiries welcome!